
デルタ航空および世界中の提携航空会社では、ご搭乗になるお客様と乗務する従業員の健康と安全を第一に考えております。In accordance with an order issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all travelers entering the United States, including U.S. citizens and residents, must provide their contact information while in the U.S. Customers can provide this information at check-in or through Delta FlyReady. デルタ航空は米国税関・国境警備局(CBP)を介し、CDCで提携会社と情報を共有しています。その共有プロセスに関する詳細をご覧ください。

Delta FlyReady


Contact tracing is a process to identify and alert those who may have been in close contact with someone who has contracted a contagious disease, to help reduce exposure and transmission. Contact information is mandatory for all travelers entering the U.S., including U.S. citizens and residents.

お客様には、米国滞在中の所在地と電話番号のご提供をお願いしております。This information, in addition to contact information you provided during ticket purchase or at check-in, will be shared with the CDC via U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Please refer to Delta’s Privacy Policy for details. For more information, go to www.cdc.gov, or www.cbp.gov, or see CBP’s Privacy Impact Assessment for the Advance Passenger Information System.

Who must participate in contact tracing?

Delta and our global partners are working diligently with our respective government agencies, health officials and aviation authorities to offer safer travel at every point in your journey.

The CDC requires contact tracing for anyone traveling to the U.S. as their final destination or connecting through, including U.S. citizens and residents.



To support contact tracing, Delta is asking travelers to provide their destination address while in the U.S. and a phone number. 航空券のご購入時またはチェックイン時にご提供いただいたご連絡先、および追跡調査に必要な本情報は、確立された情報送付チャネル「事前旅客情報システム(APIS)」を使用し、米国税関・国境警備局(CBP)を介して米国疾病対策予防センター(CDC)と共有されます。本情報は、追跡調査に必要な期間、またはCBPの要請に従って社内システムに保存されます。

Please refer to Delta’s Privacy Policy for details. For more information, go to cbp.gov or cdc.gov, or see CBP’s Privacy Impact Assessment for the Advance Passenger Information System.