
Playing the Game
Sweepstakes Entries
You can still enter for a chance to win by mailing in your first and last name, and your email address associated with your SkyMiles Membership Account to The Delta Sync Sky Hopper Game Sweepstakes at PO Box 20706, Atlanta, GA 30354.
Please note that one mail-in entry equals one mobile game submission. If you have submitted over the maximum entry limit of 30 per month, all other entries exceeding this amount will not be qualified for the drawing.
Sweepstakes Winner Selection & Prizing
After the Monthly Drawing, two winners will be selected to each receive a $400 Delta Gift Card. If you are one of the selected potential winners, a member of the Delta Air Lines team will reach out to the email associated with your SkyMiles Membership Account to validate your eligibility to receive the prize. For the full list of Drawing Dates, please see the Official Rules.
If you did not win the prize, you will not be contacted by a member of the Delta Air Lines team.
eギフトおよびカードは、航空輸送にかかる税金、手数料、サーチャージを含む航空輸送の合計購入価格、あるいは航空輸送が含まれるデルタバケーションのパッケージツアーのご購入にのみご利用いただけます(特典航空券または「マイル+キャッシュ」航空券の現金支払分は対象外)。追加の手数料(手荷物手数料を含む)、またはその他の商品あるいはサービス(機内でのお買い物、航空券のご購入がすでにお済みの場合のご利用クラスのアップグレードまたはプレミアムシート、マイレージ ブースター、デルタ航空のクルーズ、貨物、ホテルご宿泊、レンタカーを含む)に対して利用することはできません。